Animal welfare

Animal welfare refers to the ethical and humane treatment of animals. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that animals are treated with care, respect, and consideration for their well-being. This includes providing them with proper shelter, food, clean water, and medical care.

Animal welfare extends beyond basic needs and encompasses issues like preventing cruelty, avoiding unnecessary suffering, and promoting responsible ownership. It's a reflection of our values as a society and our commitment to coexisting harmoniously with the animals that share our planet.

Advocating for animal welfare means supporting laws and regulations that protect animals, adopting ethical practices in industries that involve animals, and educating ourselves and others about the importance of treating animals with kindness and compassion. It's a fundamental aspect of building a more compassionate and empathetic world for all living beings.

Luxury Shelfs being a responsible entity, fosters animal welfare. We believe that the endangered species need to be protected & measures should be taken that in any case none suffers due to the fashion industry. Policies that trigger our thoughts are:

  1. We have defined requirements for all kinds of materials we use.
  2. We don’t use animal skin of any endangered species.
  3. There is no trading done in the exotic animal skins.
  4. We resist using leather from other countries due to the poor treatment with animals.
  5. We only cater leather products coming from animals that have been bred used for meat production.